Kozler forest revisited

A bog forest from above.
This is the central part of Kozler's forest (god knows why it is officially called Kozler's "thicket"). The 20 ha of representative bog forest on a peaty soil is protected as a natural reserve.
On a sunny autumn afternoon the pines are showing off their permanent green, while oaks, birches and hornbeams are shedding their leaves, and white elms are true to their name.
Between the trees the heathers and peat mosses (they make the photo look grainy!) are indicative of ongoing peat accumulation: Kozler's forest is - barely, but still - alive.
Kite aerial photo, Canon A810 on a Rokkaku kite.
A tribute to centuries of effort that went into this heavy, black, marshy soil to make it fertile. From emperor Tiberius to empress Maria Theresia, from Gabriel Gruber to Struppi to Hradecky to Hribar and all the scientists, engineers and farmers who did it.
Fields near Kozler's forest, Ljubljana Marshes.
Kite aerial photo, Canon A810 on a Rokkaku kite.