The Spark and the Rainbow
Our Old Blue Rokkaku was getting really old, and since it was the very first kite made by kitemaster Janez Vizjak of Dr.Agon kites, it...

A Strange Creature Above the Marshes
We went back to Kozler forest in the Ljubljana Marshes landscape park - but this time we didn't plan a kite aerial photography session....

Order and Disorder
River Ižica is one of the few rivers on Ljubljana Marshes that are mostly untouched, flowing as it pleases, meandering aimlessly and...

Triple Bill Above Kozler's Forest
It was a beautiful windy and appropriately sunny Sunday afternoon, and Kozler's forest - a strictly protected natural monument on...

Not All Roads Lead to Rome
A chance look at the right part of a LIDAR map led to a two-part KAP session, over 500 multispectral kite aerial photos, hours of image...