Kite Science: Assessing Water Pollution from the Sky
(This article is derived from a European Researchers' Night 2021 lecture. Theoretical parts and fundamental research by Maša Mramor,...

Castle Kalc, Again - and a Tribute to Slawek
Finally a good wind forecast made us pack the gear, and there were favourable conditions for some near infrared aerial archaeology ... So...

Near Infrared, Far Away in Time
Ljubljana Marshes were once a vast and shallow lake, and in late neolithic humans came to make the lake their home. They built houses on...

Doing Archaeology, Finding Beauty
A part of Ljubljana Marshes northeast of the village if Ig towards Škofljica is a truly fascinating place ... Mainly because thousands of...

A Roman Road and the Power of Multispectral Analysis
Check out this set of kite aerial panoramas shot in different wavelengths - that all conspire to show an ancient Roman road. The first is...

Playing with Infrared - and MASAG α in the Air
Marshes are a perfect target for infrared kite aerial photography, as the interplay of plants and water create an intricate web of...

Prehistoric landscaping
As soon as we - Homo sapiens - emerged from them gloomy caves and started to live under the sun, we joined a selected group of animals...

Seeing the Invisible
The past is buried, and some say it should stay that way. Not archaeologists, though - they want just the opposite. But how do you know...

Eager Wannabe Aerial Archaeologists Visit Prlekija
Inspired by fantastic aerial archaeology work by dr. John Wells (who uses kites for flying the cameras!), with last summer's discoveries...

Sugar and Birds (and Buffaloes): Ormož Basins Nature Reserve
A rare - and sweet - story of a fruitful cooperation of nature conservationists and heavy industry. The fertile fields of Prlekija by the...