A haunted swamp
This truly magical place is called 'Mali plac' and is a unique example of a raised bog, one of southern Europe's few remaining natural...

Serendipity in the woods
Since we can see what we got on camera only *after* landing, this abandoned truck was one of those nice surprises. And we will never know...

Slow death of a lake ...
During the last 10 or so millenia a large lake, south of what is today the city of Ljubljana, slowly dried out, first enabling Neolithic...

High above the lake
See this lake? Well, it's an intermittent karstic one: Palcje lake (Palško jezero), Pivka Valley Intermittent Lakes nature reserve,...

Šilentabor archaeological site
Upper Pivka valley, Slovenia, has a rich and tumultuous history. There are abundant remains of Iron and Bronze Age hillforts, and Roman...

View across the Bay of Pag, flying above camp Sveti duh, Pag island, Croatia. Canon A810 on the Royal 69 sled kite.

Below the small village of Zagradec near Grosuplje, Slovenia, lies a typical karst field called Radensko polje, with meandering streams...

Bikes to the beach!
This is probably one of our best photos so far, taken at the sandspit of river Sava, near the triple confluence of Sava, Ljubljanica and...