Slow death of a lake ...

During the last 10 or so millenia a large lake, south of what is today the city of Ljubljana, slowly dried out, first enabling Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwellers to colonize it (the remains of pile dwellings are a UNESCO World Heritage Site today), then transforming into peat bogs and forest bogs. Finally the humans arrived again, who cleared the forests, built a large network of drainage canals drying the land, and starting to grow crops. . Only a handful of wetlands, archaeological remains and occasional gelological drilling bear witness to a vast, invisible, forgotten lake. . On the lower left of this photo is the largest remnant of forest bogs in Ljubljana Marshes, called Kozler's forest. All around it are fields of corn, wheat, cabbage, sunflowers - and, here and there, some Cannabis indica. :-) ... . Canon A810 on a Rokkaku kite.