Haasberg castle ruins

Ruins of the Haasberg mansion near Planina, Slovenia, shot from a kite.
Haasberg mansion was built on the site of an earlier castle by the Eggenberg family in 17th century, and expanded in 18th century under Cobenzls by a renowned italian architect Carlo Martinuzzi.
The baroque palace boasted several exceptional stonemasonry details, including an elaborate chapel and the crypt of Windisch-Grätz family, and was surrounded by manicured italian-style gardens.
During the World war II the Partisans set fire to it, ostensibly to prevent the German military turning the mansion into a stronghold. The smouldering remains were looted and the mansion was left to decay despite some conservation efforts after the war.
Today Haasberg mansion lays in ruins and is inacessible due to danger. The reconstrucion is deemed impossible (and/or prohibitively expensive).
However, Juan P. Maschio and team of virtual conservation experts at Project Feniks have created a virtual presentation of Haasberg palace in all of its lost glory. Enjoy:
Kite aerial photos, Canon A810 on a Royal69 sled