Stitching the view
Doing the kite aerial photography in a completely 'natural' way - bringing the camera up and letting it fire automatically - means that you don't know what you'll capture until you get it down. While this is a bit romantic (not unilke waiting for the roll of film to develop), successful pointing the camera towards the desired motif is a black art. A not-so-wide angle camera sometimes doesn't catch a bloody thing.
But, the camera swinging in every direction under the kite means that you cover a lot of ground below - so Janez the Wizard went back to the photo folders and stitched the photos together to show a wider view. Enjoy! :-)

(Koseze pond, Mostec, Ljubljana)

(Ljubljanica river near Å ivec creek archaeological site, Ljubljana Marshes landscape park. The old channel is visible on the upper left.)

(Cliffs of Karst ridge above Lukini.)

(A view from the Karst ridge to Socerga valley below. Church of st Quricus can be seen on the lower left.)

(Žale central cemetery, Ljubljana.)
Photos taken with Canon A810 (Mostec, Ljubljanica 1 & 2) and Nikon 1 J1 (Karst ridge, Žale) on a variety of kites (Rokkaku, Royal 69 sled and Great White delta)