World Wide KAP Week 2019 - Part I.
Every year - around the time when Autumn announces itself - kite aerial photography afficionados participate in the World Wide KAP Week. This year WWKW 2019 lasts from 14th to 29th of September (yes, KAPers do exaggerate things), and flying the camera is a must.
Our first try didn't go as expected - the wind was uberturbulent (even at 150 m our venerable Rokkaku wouldn't stay still) and way too strong for the large, soft wind loving kite. So this hard and exhausting KAP session in the beautiful Tivoli City Park in Ljubljana, Slovenia, produced just a couple of completely random kite aerial photos - souvenirs. Enjoy! ;-)

Northern part of Tivoli park with intricate tree-lined paths

A road and a railroad separate the park from the city

A pine tree that would really like to eat the kite

Park detail

Orthodox church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius was built at the edge of Tivoli in 1936
All kite aerial photos shot with Canon A810 on a Rokkaku kite.