Last Flight of the Decade
Well, we sun went down too soon, it was cold as hell, and the landscape of Ljubljana Marshes is rather bleak this time of year ...

In this bend of Iscica river the remains of Neolithic pile-dwellings were found, and the place is a part of Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The main reason for this late winter afternoon KAP session was practice: KAP Jasa kite club is going to represent Slovenia at the International Kite Festival in Gujarat, India - we fly there in a couple of days! - and we surely don't want to embarass ourselves.

So it was the old unfold the Rokkaku - put the spars in - pull the spars out - put the spars back in, this time in the right order - bend the horizontal spars - attach the kite line - remove the kite line - untie the rogue knot - attach the kite line again - bend the spars some more - catch the wind and fly! routine ...

And with great help and kite mastery from two young and aspiring KAPers, Viktor and Maša, the Rokkaku rose steadily above the Marshes, for the last time in this decade ...

All in all 2019 was a great year for us - over 60 KAP sessions and hundreds of photos, some of them really cool - this one won 2nd prize in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 photo contest!, a fantastic IKF Ljubljana 2019 (thanks, Zmajoljupci!), a heap of new kites (thanks, Janez!), flying in Ahmedabad, in Italy, on the island of Prvic ...
Here come the roaring twenties. May the wind always be on your side!