Fun and Flying Above Planina Karst Field
February winds are good (so far), and not a day hould be lost - so we went for some easy kite flying and a KAP session to Planina karst field, an hour drive south of Ljubljana.

A couple of kites by Dr.Agon and a 16 sq m trilobite
One of the members of our club got a new kite and was eager to test his flying and KAPing skills:

Ivor and his Red dot Rokkaku during his first KAP session
Planina field is a beautiful place, offering different scenes every time we visit. As a flood-prone karst field with its meandering river it was waterlogged - the winder high waters are just receding now - and some places were still flooded.

The winter waters are receding ...
The whole field - 5 km by 2,5 km - gets completely submerged at least twice a year, since the sinkholes at its end can not absorb all the excess water from melting snow in the spring and the rauin in the autumn. Growing crops is out of the question, the agriculture is limited to grazing cattle and horses.

A meandering path ...
It's interesting to see the roads meander just like the river; the shortest - or, better, the driest - path between two points is not a straight line in this distorted topology ... The roads follow the higher ground that gets submerged later and dries up sooner; the higher ground forms the boundary between ancient and current channels of the river Unica and other streams, and it is as sinusoidal as the channels themselves.

And for an unexpected bonus - a KAP kite got a kite and a kiter caught in the act! :-)

It was fun and beautiful and definitely not the last time we were flying above the amazing Planina karst field!
Kite aerial photos shot with Canon A810 on a Red dot Rokkaku, and with Nikon P330 on a Great White Delta.