Flying Kites on Independence Day
On 26th of December Slovenia celebrates Independence day - the day in 1990 the results of a plebscite showed almost everyone living in Slovenia (95 % of those who voted and 88 % of all eligible voters) wants it to be an independent country.. So the day after Chistmas is a holiday here - and after all those bleak windless weeks of November and December it delivered plenty of sun and wind. Even too much of the latter!

Kite aerial view across the marshes towards Ljubljana, the capital of independent Slovenia
We went to Ljubljana Marshes landscape park again (see how flat and kite-friendly it is), and the 30+ km/h wind was more suitable for deltas and our trusted Royal 69 sled to carry the cameras.

Waterlogged Ljubljana Marshes
The rains of previous weeks meant it was a bit tricky to find a dry and stable enough place to park the kitemobile and launch the kites ... With lines secured to anchors driven deep into the soft soil it was a pleasure to watch them fly.

Great White Delta and Royal 69 sled (the dot against the upper left cloud) carrying the camera

Parasled lifting Jellyfish with Royal 69 sled further up in the air
Delta even managed to catch her softer colleague in the act of KAPing!

It was a nice, sunny, relaxed, windy KAP and kite flying session - even when the wind went a bit too strong and turned pulling down the kites into a real (and welcomed) workout.
Happy Independence day, Slovenia! You look beautiful from the air :-)

It was great - and now it's time to pull it down ...
Kite aerial photos shot with Nikon P330 on a Great White Delta, and with Canon A810 on a Royal 69 sled kite.