A New KAP Jasa Website!
Dear friends, kiters, kite aerial photography enthusiasts - this is it ... at least regarding this WIX website. While WIX is a fantastic...

It's Been A Long Time Since KAP - Iški Morost Revisited
Ufff, that was a long wait ... we were experiencing KAP withdrawal symptoms as we are laser-focused on the first international kite...

Messages of Hope on Strings of Hope
During the lockdowns of the winter 2020/2021 we conceived and launched a social awareness kite-flying initiative called Strings of Hope,...

That's it for '21 - Now We Fly Into '22!
Another pandemic year, difficult, hard for most and sad for (way too) many, is finally coming to an end. There are some flickering lights...

Strange Winds in a Strange Land
Upper Pivka valley is a strange, a bit remote, and a very beautiful place. A kite aerial view to the southeast across the Pivka valley...

Bronze Age Autumn
Imagine: a shallow, marshy lake; a clear stream flowing into it; a village: a flock of wooden houses, covered with dried grass, standing...

A New KAP Rig Above a High Plateau
Bloke (pronounced /'blo:keh/, not /bləʊk/) is a high karst plateau some 30 km south as the crow flies from Ljubljana, Slovenia. It's an...

A Classic Polje
Polje is a cool word in English language. It is borrowed from Slovene - where it means 'a field' - and is a terminus technicus for a...

Autumn Song
Les sanglots longs Des violons De l’automne Blessent mon coeur D’une langueur Monotone. It was a great day: a sunny, windy, colourful,...

Island at the End of Summer
Prvić - prvi means 'the first' in Croatian, as it is the first island in the Šibenik archipelago; the ancient Greeks named it Proteras,...