Sometimes altitude isn't everything ... Koseze pond; Tivoli, Rožnik, and Šiška hill landscape park; Ljubljana; Slovenia. Canon A810 on...

Urban KAP - Mostec
Koseze and Mostec neighborhoods of Ljubljana, and Koseze pond (part of Tivoli, Rožnik hill and Šiška hill Landscape Park) with a family...

Nikon on a 69 sled
Ljubljanica river near Podpeč; Sveta Ana hill on the right. . Royal 69 sled, Nikon 1 J1.

Top shit
A truly top shit photo. You are looking into the giant excess sludge (i.e. shit) processing part of Ljubljana central waste water...

Leskovec - fields of grain
The unpredictable yet gentle movement is a really cool feature of kite photography ... The camera just feels - and follows - the wind ......

Cows on marshes
Some cows on Ljubljana Marshes nature reserve, completely oblivious to our 200 cm Rokakku soaring high above them, Shot with Canon A810.

It flies!
First flight of our 200 cm Blue Rokkaku kite, in a picturesque setting of Bohinj lake. The Rok stays in the air like it's nailed there....