Flying in the Time of Plague
We are lucky. The social distancing regulations in Slovenia still allow people to go out - provided they do it individually and keeping...

Near Infrared, Far Away in Time
Ljubljana Marshes were once a vast and shallow lake, and in late neolithic humans came to make the lake their home. They built houses on...

Doing Kite Aerial Photography in India
While we had so much fun flying kites in Gujarat, we are *KAP * Jasa, a kite aerial photography-oriented kite club, And surely we've had...

Flying Kites in Gujarat
What a time we've had ... Dancers at the opening ceremony of IKF Gujarat 2020 in Saputara. Photo by Nikunj Raghvani. Team KAP Jasa was...

Prehistoric landscaping
As soon as we - Homo sapiens - emerged from them gloomy caves and started to live under the sun, we joined a selected group of animals...

The First KAP Jasa Kite Adventure!
So now that our Kite society KAP Jasa is all set, we got busy thinking how to do some community outreach, how to bring the kites - kite...

Seeing the Invisible
The past is buried, and some say it should stay that way. Not archaeologists, though - they want just the opposite. But how do you know...

The Black Soil of Ljubljana Marshes and the Treasures Beneath
The vast Ljubljana Marshes, a 163 square kilometers of flat, marshy land south of Ljubljana, are a strangely beautiful place, rich in...

Eager Wannabe Aerial Archaeologists Visit Prlekija
Inspired by fantastic aerial archaeology work by dr. John Wells (who uses kites for flying the cameras!), with last summer's discoveries...

Arcadia: Dornava Manor and the Grand Baroque Axis
Et in Arcadia ego ... Baroque style - fodder for the masses, as the poet wrote - was both flamboyant and organized; countering the...