A Roman Road and the Power of Multispectral Analysis
Check out this set of kite aerial panoramas shot in different wavelengths - that all conspire to show an ancient Roman road. The first is...

Playing with Infrared - and MASAG α in the Air
Marshes are a perfect target for infrared kite aerial photography, as the interplay of plants and water create an intricate web of...

Doing Kite Aerial Photography in India
While we had so much fun flying kites in Gujarat, we are *KAP * Jasa, a kite aerial photography-oriented kite club, And surely we've had...

Flying Kites in Gujarat
What a time we've had ... Dancers at the opening ceremony of IKF Gujarat 2020 in Saputara. Photo by Nikunj Raghvani. Team KAP Jasa was...

Last Flight of the Decade
Well, we sun went down too soon, it was cold as hell, and the landscape of Ljubljana Marshes is rather bleak this time of year ... In...

Tough Bloke
How's this for a misleading title, eh? Bloke ['bloːkhe] refers to a high plateau south of Ljubljana, Slovenia - a wild, forested and...

End of Drought
For over one MONTH (!) the weather conspired against our core business, Kite Aerial Photography. The draught finally came to an end -...

Bragging Time - Winning a Prize at the Wiki Loves Monuments Photo Contest
It's time to braaaag! :-) Every September the Wikipedia community organizes a global photo challenge called "Wiki Loves Monuments". It's...

International Kite Festival Ljubljana 2019: One Sky, One World!
True, our main business is kite aerial photography, not flying show kites. But kites are beautiful and fascinating and fun flying on...

Kites, Kids, and Sea ... Urchins
We've just returned from an amazing kite & KAP experience on the magical adriatic island of Prvic, Croatia. Prvic and the islands of...